Stacks API

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Stacks API v13 for Stacks 5.0

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Color Values


Available: Stacks API v3


%id=<colorControlID> <operation> n%


Color Math operations can be used to modify the colors.

Color with opacity

Color values output as rgba CSS color strings including opacity if it is enabled.

Example 1: Color math used in CSS


    /* lighten the color by 25/255ths */
    .lighterStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor + 25%;

    /* darken the color by 25/255ths */
    .darkerStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor - 25%;

    /* twice as light */
    .lightestStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor * 2%;

    /* twice as dark */
    .darkestStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor * 0.5%;

With THIS COLOR (rgba(255, 0, 128, 1.0)) chosen.

    /* lighten the color by 25/255ths */
    .lighterStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor + 25%;

    /* darken the color by 25/255ths */
    .darkerStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor - 25%;

    /* twice as light */
    .lightestStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor * 2%;

    /* twice as dark */
    .darkestStuff {
      background-color: %id=userSelectedColor * 0.5%;

which should render like this:


Lighter Stuff

Darker Stuff

Lightest Stuff

Darkest Stuff

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