Stacks API

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Stacks API v13 for Stacks 5.0

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Date Values


Available: Stacks API v10


%id=<dateControlID> -format="<format>" %
%id=<dateControlID> -dateStyle="<short, medium, long, or full>" %
%id=<dateControlID> -timeStyle="<short, medium, long, or full>" %


Output a long format full date/time string that is compatible with Moment.js (the default), a localized date or time style, or a specified date format.

Note: date controls have been available since API v5, however the format and style parameters were introduced in API v10

Example 1: Long format date


    The UNIX date is: %id=dateProperty%

The UNIX date is: 2017-06-27T18:48:09CDT

Example 2: Short localized time


    The time is: %id=dateProperty -timeStyle="short"%

The time is: 7:25 PM

This is in the US. In other locales it will appear formatted for that region.

Example 3: Full localized date


    The date is: %id=dateProperty -dateStyle="full"%

The date is: Tuesday, June 27, 2017

This is in the US. In other locales it will appear formatted for that region.

Example 4: Long time and short date


    It is %id=dateProperty -timeStyle="long"% on %id=dateProperty -dateStyle="short"%

It is 6:48:09 PM CDT on 6/27/17

Example 5: Custom format


    This is the year %id=dateProperty -format="yyyy"%.

This is the year 2017.

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