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Integer Math

%( 1 + 2 )%

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Integer Math

%( 1 + 2 )%

Available: Stacks API v3


%([!] <argument1> <operator> <argument2> )%


Math operations for evaluating simple integer functions. The syntax is identical to Integer Comparison. Statements can be nested, but must contain only two arguments.

Example 1: add to literal integers

evaluates to 2

%( 1 + 1 )%

Example 2: nested operations

evaluates to 15

%( %( 1 + 2 )% - %( 3 * 4 )% )%

Example 3: logical operations

evaluates to true only if both enables are true

%( %id=enable1% && %id=enable2% )%

Example 4: integer divide by 2

evaluates to 12

%( 25 >> 1 )%

Note: Since this is integer-only math, there is no divide operator. However the shift-right operator can provide a divide-by-two (see last example).

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